Giveaways and Merchandise Marketing

What is Giveaways and Merchandise Marketing?

Marketing is the process of promoting a business and expands its exposure through different tactics; free giveaways’ marketing is one of the valuable tactics. You use giveaways or run contests to distribute merchandise with your logos to spread your brand awareness. People like to win gifts, so they take part in the competition. This way, you engage the target audience. It is a popular way of raising awareness about a business among the audience. Many companies start their business by running an event for their brand promotion, like to give away freebies to their new customers, employees, and event attendants. People love to get physical gifts, and it leaves a positive effect on customers and promotes business. It makes customer’s feel happy, and they show interest in the products. Take an example of a clothing brand; a clothing brand offers an essential item as a gift on buying from their new collection of t-shirts. It is an easy way of advertising because you do not need to hire advertising companies for promotion campaigns and save costs. You distribute prizes among your customers, which will be a quicker way of promoting any business.


Are Giveaways and Merchandise is Good Marketing?

It is a question that arises in our minds when we start promoting our business and planning how to advertise. When everyone is busy spending on paid ads and digital marketing, are giveaways good for marketing and merchandise products? The answer is yes. Let us discuss how it is good.


Create Brand Awareness

It is not an easy job to flourish a new business when there are big competitors. All big companies spend a considerable amount on their advertisement, which is why it is impossible to compete with them by running paid ads for a startup business or brand. It is not possible to appear in an organic search because it will take much time and effort. Free giveaways are the best choice for those who want quick results. Despite all these hardships and struggles, you will create your business awareness within days by free giveaways. Your consumer will become aware of your brand, and if they like your products; you will need no other advertisement. The news will spread like wildfire about your free giveaways, and you will get a promotion without putting in any more effort.


Cost Less

As discussed earlier, big companies spend millions on their marketing, so it is impossible to compete. All types of advertisements cost money, and without that, no business can stand up. Free giveaways also cost money, but it is too little than other marketing tools and tricks. It is the easiest and economical way of advertising. You do not need to spend on billboards and website banner ads. Just spend a little on gifts, and your customers will leave happier and satisfied.


Generate Leads for Your Business

There are different ways of distributing free giveaways. One of these is an online prize draw for which your audience has to fill your survey form to join the contest. This way, more and more people will enter your competition, and by filling your survey form, they will get to know your brand services, which means promoting your brand without actually spending a penny. But of course, many people will win the prize which will make them feel good about your brand, and they will like to shop again. It will generate leads for your business. You can also ask for customers’ email addresses to send them newsletters, automatically generating leads for the company.


Attract New Audience

Free giveaways are beneficial for a new business and help in increasing sales for old ones. There is no full stop to improving business. It would help if you always kept advertising your product by using different marketing tools. A giveaway is not a bad option. If you sell clothes for youth, you can start a campaign to attract young people by proposing them a buy one get one gift offer. People will not think twice and grab your offer. Because getting one free is a genuine excitement for people, especially the youth.


Giveaways Instantly Boost Your Website and Social Media Platforms

By running your free giveaways campaign on social media like Facebook or Instagram will increase your followers. It will help your business to boost, and you will become popular. When they see a post on Facebook, they’ll share it free; hence the engagement increases and people will keep coming to your followers’ list. It will boost your social media accounts and increase your sales by adding more people to the list of customers. Secondly, if you are running this campaign on your website, it will boost your website. Your website traffic will improve if you share the link of your website page on Facebook to join free giveaway contests; People will reach your website by clicking the link, and the rest of the job your free giveaways will do.



Free giveaways are the best marketing tool for promoting your merchandise, but we must do it in the most effective way to get the best results. For online giveaways, competitions make rules straightforward so that people can easily take part in these giveaways. Secondly, try to make your free giveaways more unique and exciting by adding unique refills entry methods to go viral. By using all the right ways and tricks, free giveaways are the best marketing tool that one can use to promote their new business and improve their brand awareness

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